Werks Industries (M) Sdn Bhd
Our in house designer will design according to your requirement. Our long lasng experience in engineering projects in the areas of process and transfer skid packages as well as hydrojeng pump skid and closed drain pump skid packages is documented in numerous globally realized projects.
Werks Industries (M) Sdn Bhd has established itself as a specialist go-to automaon engineering consultancy, providing soluons from the early stages of conceptual design through to project execuon and system maintenance.
Working as integrated part of your team, we provides the synergy to help you achieve your three golden targets on any projects:
~ On-Time
~ On-Budget and
~ To a standard that exceeds you expectations.
Delivering turn-key control process and instrumentaon solution to improve efficiency and optimize system performance in the manufacturing, resource, utilities, oil and gas sectors.
The specialist Werks Industries (M) Sdn Bhd team make the installaon, pre-commissioning and commissioning process seamless.
Our comprehensive installation services includes :
~ Project Management Team
~ Planning
~ Execution
~ Testing and Commissioning
~ Installation
~ Training
Werks Industries (M) Sdn Bhd also is a procurement services/sourcing company. Our experse liaise with the idenficaon of suppliers, goods and services, the negoaon of pricing, terms and condions and in the delivery to the end user.
Werks Industries (M) Sdn Bhd servicing team offers a complete set of maintenance services and operaonal support across industries such as Oil & Gas, Resources, Ulies and manufacturing. The comprehensive range of services provided are designed to generate maximum value for the client
Werks Industries (M) Sdn Bhd provides Engineering's Manpower Services to offers its clients a professional recruitment service across to the all related industries.
Our database for recruitment allow us to access vast database of skilled personnel who are able to support your requirements, wherever and whatever they are.
We provide a comprehensive manpower service to oil and gas companies for Upstream and Downstream projects, Operaons and Maintenance.
Our services for the supply of personnel also includes the non-Oil & Gas sectors, covering a wide range in the field of technical, services and support disciplines through all levels of management
Sustainability Goals
We are focused on building a long-term, sustainable business.